The “Typhoon Project” was launched in 2019 with the aim of cleaning the entire Greek coastline and giving back the, clean now, shores to the country’s inhabitants and visitors. The driver of the project is the “Typhoon”, a modern Norwegian-built 72-meter long vessel that sails year-round, decontaminating the coasts and transporting the waste collected to recycling or proper disposal structures. The “Typhoon” features 5 speed boats to clean inaccessible shores, and large containers, suitable for sorting recyclables collected during operations. Its team, consisting of Foundation executives and vessel’s permanent staff members, collaborates with academic institutions to support research and understanding of the problem of marine pollution in the Mediterranean.

The “Typhoon Project” collaborates with the Laboratory of Marine Geology and Physical Oceanography of the Department of Geology of the University of Patras, for the study of benthic waste in the Saronic and Thermaic Gulfs, as well as with the Marine Remote Sensing Group of the University of the Aegean, for the detection and mapping of plastics, making use of state of the art technology.