The Athanasios C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation in collaboration with Lidl Hellas launched the second open innovation action "Sustainability Hackathon", with the technological and organizational support of Crowdpolicy, within the frameworks of the national campaign "Greece Free of Single-Use Plastics" and under the auspices of Ministry of Environment and Energy. The aim of the action is to encourage society and businesses to create prototype applications and solutions that utilize technology, to contribute to a sustainable everyday life.

The “Sustainability Hackathon” was held on April 15-17, 2022, using collaborative tools and digital means of communication and attracting the interest of groups and startups from all over Greece. Throughout the three-day period many creative ideas and proposals for solutions and innovative digital applications on the viability, sustainability and entrepreneurship were discussed and presented. More than 110 “Mentoring Sessions”, with the participation of academics and market executives, supported the participants in the design of their business model as well as in the formulation of the basic business idea. In total, 375 contestants, 35 teams and 35 mentors participated in the competition.
The “Sustainability Hackathon” ended on Sunday, April 17, with the final presentation of proposals from all the teams. Assessment was based on the completeness of the functional features or of the concept, depending on its degree of completion, business model and technological innovation. Out of a total of 30 teams that made a presentation, 5 secured entry into the 5-month business acceleration phase. The final will take place in November, where one team will be distinguished as the winner of the competition.
The 5 teams that were distinguished are the following:
– Dataphoria: Analytics-as-a-Service services to companies and organizations to measure, accelerate and highlight their transition towards sustainability.
– Rethinkers: Application with a reward system that contributes to ecological education and the use of eco-friendly products by citizens.
– Hagirls: SmartBin, a smart bin that wants to make recycling a game.
– JBM: Water Manager SaaS, a solution to the problem of reckless water usage in urban centers.
– Let’s Park: Crowdsourcing platform that connects citizen groups and Municipalities with the Environmental Social Activation (ESG) program of companies.